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The application period is now open for the JAE Intro 2024 fellowship, which allows you to undertake a seven-month stay at the Fisheries Advisory Service of ICATMAR.


ICATMAR periodically publishes different types of documents which you will find accessible for download.

Anàlisi preliminar de les captures i percepció socioeconòmica del llagostí cafè, Penaeus aztecus, Ives, 1891 , a la mar de l’Ebre

En aquest informe es presenten les dades de les enquestes realitzades a la flota pesquera i personal de llotja que opera en la Mar de l’Ebre (des de les Cases d’Alcanar fins l’Ametlla de Mar) en relació a les captures i percepció socioeconòmica del llagostí cafè (Penaeus aztecus), procedent de l’Atlàntic nord-occidental i recentment detectada a Catalunya.

Warming and salinization effects on the deep-water rose shrimp, Parapenaeus longirostris, distribution along the NW Mediterranean Sea Implications for bottom trawl fisheries

The deep-water rose shrimp is a main resource for the GSA 6 bottom trawling fleet. In the last decade, landings have increased without a clear understanding of the causes. This study aims to analyze this trend, potentially related to changes in environmental conditions.

Who are we?

ICATMAR is carrying out a programme to monitor both recreational and commercial fishing along the Catalan coast, and a programme of observation, analysis and prediction of the physical characteristics of the sea.