The report on the economic evolution of catches for 2022-2023 is now available

You can now view and download the latest ICATMAR report in the Publications section: Economic Evolution of Catches in the Fishing Sector in Catalonia 2022-2023.

Professional fishing in Catalonia has traditionally been an important economic activity, but analyses show a downward trend in catches and revenues over the past few decades. This report presents data on catches, first-sale prices, and revenues of the Catalan fishing sector from January 2022 to December 2023, inclusive.

In the different sections, the data have been analyzed for the main fishing modalities, for the main species, and those included in management or co-management plans, and according to the fish markets. Additionally, an analysis of the effects of the Western Mediterranean Multiannual Plan (WMMAP) has been carried out. Finally, and for the first time, general conclusions drawn from the analyses are presented.

Source: Marc Balcells