Fisheries viewer

Fisheries monitoring data

The ICATMAR fisheries data viewer allows you to browse data on the commercial fishing fleet in Catalonia.

This application has been initially developed by the Maritime Network of Catalonia (BlueNetCat), which is funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in collaboration with ICATMAR.

With this viewer, you will access the sampling and scientific monitoring data of the commercial fishing fleet for bottom trawling and purse seining, collected since January 2019 and November 2021, respectively. The information for each sampling trawl carried out within the monitoring program includes:

  • Date (year and season)
  • Name of the port and GPS location of the fishing
  • Catch composition by fraction (commercial, discard, natural debris and marine litter) and at the highest possible level of detail.

You can compare the composition of the catch in the different ports and areas (North: from Roses to Arenys de Mar; Center: from Barcelona to Tarragona; and South: from L’Ametlla de Mar to La Ràpita). The commercial fraction of the catch includes species that are sold at the fish auction, the discard fraction includes both species of no commercial interest and individuals of commercial species that are too small to be sold, natural debris refer to matter of natural origin, and marine litter is the remains of anthropogenic origin that have been found in the nets. Within each category, a classification is presented in as much detail as possible.

On the other hand, size distributions of the target species are presented in aggregate (using all our data available so far). In these graphs, you can see the abundance of each size of the following species: hake, blue and red shrimp, spottail mantis shrimp, Norway lobster, deep-water rose shrimp and horned octopus.

In the sampling map, you can visualize each sampling we have carried out and add layers with the following information:

  • The fishing effort, i.e., fishing hours per km2
  • The commercialized biomass, i.e., weight of species caught and commercialized per km2
  • Economic yield, i.e., euros of biomass commercialized per km2

Ocean physical variables such as surface temperature or chlorophyll concentration, derived from satellites via the European Earth observation programme, Copernicus (

Due to data validation processes, the minimum age of the data represented is 6 months.