Explora les dades de l’ICATMAR amb els nostres diferents visors i el repositori de dades.


A partir del setembre, l’ICATMAR us convida a participar a les  jornades de transferència al sector pesquer a les principals confraries catalanes.


L’ICATMAR publica periòdicament diferents tipus de documents que trobareu accessibles per descarregar.

Analysis of the first year’s performance of HR Radars in wave measurements and filtered data

This technical report provides a evaluation of wave data collected by two high-frequency radars (Begur and Creus – ICATMAR) in comparison to a nearby offshore mooring buoy (Cap de Begur – Puertos del Estado) from 2023-03-08 11:00:00 to 2024-06-11 07:00:00. Results show a low correlation between the HF radar and buoy measurement systems using raw data, but a significant improvement is observed once the data is filtered using the parameters provided by the radar. Currently, the wave data from the HF radars is not reliable for operational wave detection, but the data can be used if supervised.

Level 3 velocity products from ICATMAR: High-Frequency Radar network

This public ICATMAR document describes the processing and characteristics of the total surface velocity product derived from High-Frequency radars provided by the ICATMAR observational system.

qui som

Portem a terme un programa de seguiment de la pesca tant recreativa com comercial al llarg de la costa Catalana, i un programa d’observació, anàlisi i predicció de les característiques físiques del mar.