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Ja podeu descarregar l’informe State of Marine Recreational Fisheries in Catalonia 2023 a l’apartat Publicacions


L’ICATMAR publica periòdicament diferents tipus de documents que trobareu accessibles per descarregar.

State of fisheries in Catalonia 2023, Part 2: Stock assessment

This report presents the stock assessment results obtained by ICATMAR. For the data-resource limited (length-based) model (i.e. LBSPR), the data used corresponds to the continuous monitoring from ICATMAR in Catalonia (North GSA6). For the surplus production model (i.e. SPiCT), the report also uses official data from the Data Collection Framework (DCF), the EU fleet register and the Spanish Government from the whole GSA6.

State of fisheries in Catalonia 2023, Part 1: Report on the monitoring of the commercial fishing fleet

This report presents the state of fisheries in Catalonia in 2023. Section 1 describes the methods of biological and fisheries monitoring throughout the five years of ICATMAR monitoring program, Section 2 describes the results of the bottom trawling monitoring, Section 3 describes the results of the purse seine fishing monitoring and Section 4 describes the results of the small-scale fisheries monitoring (sand eel, common octopus and blue crab fisheries).

qui som

Portem a terme un programa de seguiment de la pesca tant recreativa com comercial al llarg de la costa Catalana, i un programa d’observació, anàlisi i predicció de les característiques físiques del mar.